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Bindl: Empowering Positive Change Through Gamified Local Impact

When we look at the massive challenge of driving sustainable transformation, we may overlook the impact we can have at a local level. The Sustainable Industrial Revolution sat down with Vasiliy Kolebanov, the founder of Bindl, to unravel the story behind the platform and understand how it aims to empower people to get involved in do-good initiatives. This can play a role for companies in fostering a culture of purpose, social responsibility, and measurable tangible impact of employees. This blog sheds light on Bindl's evolution, the hurdles, and the goals for the future.

The Initiation of Bindl

Bindl didn't start as a do-good initiative platform. It was initially conceived as a sustainable travel rewards platform, aiming to leverage existing travel networks for more conscious choices in accommodation and travel. However, the winds of change blew with the onset of the pandemic and market challenges. This led the founder to pivot towards the core idea of rewarding sustainable behavior. What emerged from this shift was Bindl, a platform designed to make it easy for individuals to participate in eco-friendly and socially responsible activities, or as they call them, "quests."

The initial spark came from the founder's realization during travels – the difficulty in uncovering local initiatives to support. Bindl was conceived as the solution, providing a space for anyone with an idea or project to promote it and for people to easily discover and get involved. The goal? To be the first step individuals take towards making a positive impact.

Rethinking Employee Volunteering

Enterprises often approach sustainability with a check-the-box mentality. Bindl challenges this approach by integrating a gamified experience that rewards positive behavior. This isn't just about volunteering time; it's about fostering a culture of purpose and social responsibility. Companies can create profiles on Bindl, enabling employees to see and participate in events. The impact is tracked, building up to the total impact of the company. In return, users gain access to discounts at sustainable businesses, creating a rewarding cycle.

Success Stories and the Bindl Experience

Bindl has already begun its journey with events organized by community users, including successful litter pick-up sessions, sustainability workshops and planting trees. The platform aims to be more than a one-time experience. It's not just about participating but understanding the impact created and encouraging individuals to stay involved.

One success story involves a chance encounter with a Bindl user at a cleanup event. The user, unaware of the platform, discovered a sustainable energy conference on Bindl and immediately rallied friends to join. This highlights Bindl's mission: providing a platform for the curious, where they can explore, discover, and continuously engage in positive initiatives.

Measuring Impact Beyond Time

Measuring impact goes beyond the time spent in do-good initiatives. Bindl is actively exploring technologies like machine learning and image recognition to assess tangible and real impact, rather than monetary or time-based impact. Whether it's automatically estimating the type and amount of trash collected or a manual process of recording impact, Bindl aims to offer solutions for measuring impact.

Striking the Balance for Companies

Companies often struggle to balance employee volunteering with core business objectives.

Bindl proposes a low-barrier approach – move away from volunteering hours and provide the employees with the tool to choose when and how to get engaged. Bindl can do the rest.

This not only minimizes effort for the company but also acts as an additional benefit for employees - converting rewards into discounts. Employees can be guided by their organizations values and sustainability targets; stimulating team building, which combined with an intrinsic motivation to be active in this space, can lead to bottom-up change.

Navigating the Startup Journey

For aspiring social entrepreneurs, the journey is about dedication and choosing the right support. Vasiliy’s advice is clear: decide, push through, and surround yourself with the right people. Flexibility is key, as is a scientific, empirical approach to your idea. Bindl aims to be a support system for social enterprises, offering a platform for connection, collaboration, and growth.

The Future: Collaboration, Growth, and Excitement

Looking ahead, Bindl has ambitious plans. They are set to launch their company service platform, grow their community, and re-launch their public platform. An app is also in the works to simplify the user experience. Partnerships have been a key element, with the community actively supporting events and social enterprises eager to collaborate.

Bindl envisions a future where positive change is not just a choice but a rewarding journey. As they continue to expand and evolve, the impact they aim to create extends beyond individuals to encompass communities, companies, and the world at large. The journey is exciting, and Bindl invites everyone to join in the quest for a better, more sustainable future.

Make sure to check out Bindl, try it out, and follow Vasiliy on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on the platforms growth.

About the Founder

An impact entrepreneur, Vasiliy’s background is in helping sustainable businesses grow, as well as experience in the tourism and leisure sector. As an active community member and a frequent volunteer, Vasiliy has a track-record being involved in sustainable community initiatives, often initiating them himself. Bindl is now his main project to help people take the initiative in making the world a better place starting with themselves; and to help social and sustainable enterprises develop.



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