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Driving Sustainable Change from Within: Insights for Young Professionals

Welcome to the final installment of our blog series featuring Laura Grootenboer, Head of Sustainability Engagement at Deloitte North and South Europe. In the previous two blogs, we explored Deloitte’s internal sustainability transformation, WorldClimate, and Laura's role to drive its engagement strategy. Now, let's conclude with Laura's valuable advice for young professionals eager to drive sustainability within their organizations.

“If, like me, you identify yourself as an advocate for sustainability, you’re probably already considering what and how much you buy, what you eat, how you travel, how you vote, and other important considerations in your personal life. These are all great actions to take! Additionally, don’t underestimate the impact you can have through your professional life. The average person spends about 90.000 hours of their lifetime at work, so just imagine the impact you can have here!” - Laura Grootenboer

Are you wondering how to get started? Here are Laura’s top tips on how to be a catalyst for change within your organization:

1. Build Relationships with Top Leadership

Laura underscores the importance of connecting with senior leaders within your organization. Their experience and support can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of your organization and building relationships with those at the top can help champion your ideas and provide guidance on how to create the change you want to see.

“It’s all about understanding how to navigate the internal structure and systems and influence the people and culture of your organization.” - Laura Grootenboer

2. Start Within Your Sphere of Influence and stay Authentic

Laura encourages young professionals to begin making a difference within their sphere of influence—their own teams and immediate work environment. By acting in alignment with their sustainability values and advocating for sustainable practices within their scope, they can set an example for others and initiate change from the bottom up.

“Consistency in your behavior and communication is key to building trust and credibility among your colleagues. If you don’t practice what you preach within your own work and team, you’ll have a hard time building the business case and getting the support to drive change from the top. Make yourself and your team leading practice to inspire positive change at scale.” - Laura Grootenboer

3. Collaborate with Like-Minded Colleagues

Laura highlights the importance of finding allies within your organization. Look for colleagues who are already involved in sustainability efforts, such as volunteering groups and young networks. Collaborating with these teams can help you build connections and ensure alignment in your sustainability initiatives.

“I’ve seen great examples of employee advocacy within our own organization and in lots more organizations across Europe. Never underestimate the impact a letter from a significant number of young people in your organization will have when it’s directed at your leadership board. And by having lots of conversations with people across teams, new collaboration opportunities will arise to make a positive difference.” - Laura Grootenboer

Laura's journey at Deloitte exemplifies the power of individuals to drive sustainability within their organizations. Her advice serves as a roadmap for young professionals who aspire to be change agents and contribute to a more sustainable future. Laura often shares her insights and experience through articles on her LinkedIn. Make sure to follow her via this link to stay informed of her knowledge from driving sustainability engagement in Deloitte.

In closing, we hope these insights have inspired and empowered you to take action within your organization. The sustainable industrial revolution begins with individuals like you, committed to making a positive impact on both their companies and the planet.

About the Expert

Laura is Head of Sustainability Engagement at Deloitte North and South Europe. As part of Deloitte’s internal sustainability transformation, Laura is dedicated to empower Deloitte’s leaders and colleagues to adopt sustainable behaviors and cultivate a culture of environmental stewardship. By designing and implementing strategies that promote positive change, she ensures that Deloitte's commitment to sustainability is deeply embedded in the daily actions of its people.



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