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Empowering Sustainability: Insights from Laura Grootenboer

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Introduction to the Blog Series

Recently we had the pleasure of talking with Laura Grootenboer, Head of Sustainability Engagement at Deloitte North and South Europe. She kindly shared detailed insights and tips on how to drive sustainability engagement within a large organization like Deloitte. Over the coming three weeks we will share some of the insights Laura shared in the form of three blog posts, this being the first.

Internal engagement on sustainability within organizations is crucial as it forms the foundation for driving transformative change across the business, its clients & suppliers, and industry as a whole. By fostering a culture of sustainability among employees, organizations can not only take steps to reduce their own environmental footprint but also influence industry norms and practices. When individuals within an organization are committed to sustainability, it becomes a powerful catalyst for driving innovations, shaping industry standards, and ultimately steering entire sectors towards a more sustainable future.

Powering the Sustainability Transformation through Engagement

In today's ever-evolving corporate landscape, sustainability has emerged as a paramount concern and opportunity, both internally within organizations and in their broader interactions with the world. Laura Grootenboer, Head of Sustainability Engagement at Deloitte North and South Europe, is at the forefront of this transformative journey within her firm. In an insightful interview, she provides a unique perspective on her role, the significance of internal sustainability, and the complex interplay between corporate culture and client expectations.

Laura's journey at Deloitte began with a passion for leveraging Deloitte’s unique skills and knowledge for the greater good. She started within the Deloitte Impact Foundation in the Netherlands, where she engaged her colleagues and external parties in pro bono projects. Her experience sparked a desire to help individuals have a sustainable impact in their roles. This passion led her to her current role within Deloitte's internal sustainability transformation, WorldClimate, where she heads up Engagement for the North and South Europe region.

At the heart of internal sustainability, Laura identifies three main components:

  1. Internal Operations: This encompasses an organization's own practices, processes, and environmental impact.

  2. Employee Behavior: It's about changing behaviors and enabling employees to become advocates for positive change.

  3. External Impact: It extends beyond an organization's walls to consider its indirect impact, including the suppliers it works with and the broader society.

For Laura, the significance of sustainability initiatives, especially those focused on internal engagement and corporate culture, is multifaceted. At its core, it's the right thing to do and aligns with their organization’s purpose. Deloitte’s Millennial and Gen-Z survey highlights the growing interest in sustainability among employees, making it an expectation for companies to address and an opportunity to retain talent. Moreover, clients and the market are increasingly scrutinizing organizations for their sustainability efforts.

Survival in the modern corporate world is intrinsically tied to sustainability. Organizations that fail to adapt risk losing their license to operate, talent, and clients. On the other hand, proactive sustainability efforts can position a company as a leader and create opportunities for growth.

“The way in which most companies currently operate is not sustainable. If you can envision the sustainable future we’re headed towards, I challenge you to show bold leadership to drive the systems change required to get us there. The cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of action.” - Laura Grootenboer

In Laura's view, engagement plays a critical role in the success of an organization’s sustainability transformation. The key to success lies in enabling top-down leadership and bottom-up employee engagement. Deloitte's WorldClimate Engagement strategy encompasses three pillars:

  1. Storytelling: Bringing the story of the sustainability transformation to life by embedding sustainability in organizational narratives and communications, to empower people to talk about it with confidence and authenticity.

  2. People Empowerment: Equipping employees with the skills, knowledge, and networks to drive sustainability actions and put measures in place to recognize desirable behavior.

  3. Leadership Engagement: Enlisting leaders to champion sustainability and drive transformation by embedding it into the organization's culture, values and rewarding them accordingly.

“Empowering people to drive a sustainability transformation is not characterized by one monumental initiative but by a collection of diverse efforts that shape an organization's culture. Storytelling and awareness campaigns, learning and upskilling initiatives, incentivizing sustainable behaviors and running employee networks, all play a pivotal role in fostering sustainable mindsets.” - Laura Grootenboer

Laura's journey exemplifies the transformative power of passionate individuals driving sustainability from within. In the second part of this blog series, we will delve deeper into initiatives and strategies for internal sustainability transformation.

Keep an eye on our blog next week for more insights from Laura Grootenboer, as we continue to explore insights from her journey towards empowering sustainability within Deloitte.

About the Expert

Laura Grootenboer - Head of Sustainability Engagement at Deloitte

Laura is Head of Sustainability Engagement at Deloitte North and South Europe. As part of Deloitte’s internal sustainability transformation, Laura is dedicated to empower Deloitte’s leaders and colleagues to adopt sustainable behaviors and cultivate a culture of environmental stewardship. By designing and implementing strategies that promote positive change, she ensures that Deloitte's commitment to sustainability is deeply embedded in the daily actions of its people.



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